class BVMessageManager(chatRoomToken: String, chatRoomManager: ChatRoomManager, refreshToken: String?, mqttManager: MqttManager, eventListener: EventListener?, messageListener: MessageListener?) : MessageManager
Manages the connection and communication with the chat room and MQTT broker.
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constructor(chatRoomToken: String, chatRoomManager: ChatRoomManager, refreshToken: String?, mqttManager: MqttManager, eventListener: EventListener?, messageListener: MessageListener?)
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open override fun deleteMessage(messageId: String, userCustomName: String, timestampReceivedAt: String?)
Deletes a message in the chat room.
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Disconnects from the chat room and MQTT broker.
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open override fun getChatHistory(beforeAt: String?, limit: Int?, afterAt: String?, fromOldest: Boolean?, types: Array<String>?)
Retrieves the chat history.
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open override fun getMessages(beforeAt: String?, limit: Int?, afterAt: String?, fromOldest: Boolean?, types: Array<String>?)
Retrieves messages from the chat room.
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Mutes the chat room.
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open override fun pinMessage(messageId: String, text: String, userId: String, userDeviceId: String, userCustomName: String)
Pins a message in the chat room.
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Publishes a countable custom message to the chat room.
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Publishes a custom message to the chat room.
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Publishes a message to the chat room.
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Refreshes the chat room token.
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Unblocks a user in the chat room.
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Unmutes the chat room.
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Unpins a message in the chat room.
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Updates the user information.
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Updates the viewer information.