Sets the surface type for the player view, determining how video will be rendered.
Note: Using SurfaceType.SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW will disable DRM (Digital Rights Management) support.
The type of surface to use for rendering video. Options include:
SurfaceType.SURFACE_TYPE_NONE: No surface is used.
SurfaceType.SURFACE_TYPE_SURFACE_VIEW: Renders video using a android.view.SurfaceView.
SurfaceType.SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW: Renders video using a android.view.TextureView, but DRM-protected content will not be supported.
SurfaceType.SURFACE_TYPE_SPHERICAL_GL_SURFACE_VIEW: Uses an android.opengl.GLSurfaceView for spherical video rendering.
SurfaceType.SURFACE_TYPE_VIDEO_DECODER_GL_SURFACE_VIEW: Uses an android.opengl.GLSurfaceView for rendering with video decoders.